"Tellerrand - Rim Of The Plate" 

A Sci Fi short story experience, an art game with a twist .
Playthrough time aproximately: 7 minutes.

Design, Art, Music, Story, Production
-     Tobias Arpad Raß (Ambytar) -

Made for the "GDevelop Big Game Jam 5" / Theme: Unstable.
The Game Jam's Theme: "Unstable" lies within the detail of the events of the story.

(It is my first game jam.)


Game Description:

Year 2727, the Sun is dieing and the earth suffers from unstable climate changes: In the center of the Antarctica is a huge growing ice wall.

The project: Get a crew and a spaceship to fly to the sun to scan it for more data to find out the reason why the sun is dieing.

But it seems that there is a bigger conspiracy going on.
The (fictitious) World Government which is funding the project and the spaceship, has not actually the real intention that the earth's population will find out the real truth.
The truth could scatter human's worldview which could lead to a destabilisation of  society due to possible mass panic.

In the end of the story, you (the player) will find out what the truth is / what the "Outer Tellerrand" is.
It is up to you how you will interprete the post story, what will happen with society's stability.

Chapter 1 / Investigation:
weather conditions world wide. Find the ice wall.

Chapter 2 / Preperation:
Prepare the project: The sun has to be scanned with a crew and a spaceship to gather data. The (fictitious) World Government funded the project, can you trust them?
An anonymous source is telling that the World Government is conspirating with the try to gatekeep truth to prevent a destabilsation of human's society.

Chapter 3 / Navigation
Fly a spaceship in first person to the scan area of the sun, but it is sabotaged and its systems will be unstable. Accompany the turbulences that the crew has to experience.

Chapter 4 / Revelation
See the truth and the meaning of human existence.
Find out what the "Outer Tellerrand" is.
And interprete the post story:  what will now happen with society's stability.


"Tellerrand - Rim Of The Plate"

Created by Tobias Arpad Raß, 2024.

Used Font: "Space Wham by Zephram"

This game is NOT made with an AI!

Some notes which are containg spoilers: It is an art game about the philosophical meaning of human existence in our universe, devided in four chapters.  Inspired by the lat. term: "imago mundi" and the ger. term: "Weltanschauung" (eng. worldview). "Tellerrand", a german word is used in the ger. idiom: "Über den Tellerrand hinausblicken". Similar to "look beyond the box". In case of this game, the earth is inside of a petri dish of a higher beeing's laboratory. The  "Outer Tellerrand" means the place outside/beyond of this petri dish. "Rim Of The Plate" means the ice wall which sorrounds the earth within the game. One core element of the story is the question:  - How society's stability will be affected from a dieing sun? -

This game does not reflect my opinion about the actual shape of the earth, it should only be viewed as a work of art.

gd.games link:


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The soundtrack is incredible. 

Unpredictable ending, I was so surprised about the plot, one should make a movie about this. 😮

Thank you for this experience. 

Thank you that you like it that much. 


the twist was crazy great game


I am happy about that you enjoyed this.


Okay, i get it, it's a fun little story with a twist 👌


I hope that the end of the story surprised you. :)
"twist" is good word I was looking for: I will include it in the description, thank you!


Too great. I love this game & story.


I'm glad that I could entertain you with my game. :)